1. Avoidance
I delay or avoid tasks, even if they are important.
Never ( 1 point)
Rarely ( 2 points)
Sometimes (3 points)
Often (4 points)
Always (5 points)
2. Negative Self-talk:
I often tell myself I'm not good enough or that I'll probably fail.
Never ( 1 point)
Rarely ( 2 points)
Sometimes (3 points)
Often (4 points)
Always (5 points)
3. Procrastination:
I leave things to the last minute, even if I have time to do them earlier.
Never ( 1 point)
Rarely ( 2 points)
Sometimes (3 points)
Often (4 points)
Always (5 points)
4. Rejecting Compliments:
When someone praises me, I usually brush it off or downplay it.
Never ( 1 point)
Rarely ( 2 points)
Sometimes (3 points)
Often (4 points)
Always (5 points)
5. Perfectionism:
I avoid starting tasks if I feel I can't do them perfectly.
Never ( 1 point)
Rarely ( 2 points)
Sometimes (3 points)
Often (4 points)
Always (5 points)
6. Fear of Success
I sometimes worry that succeeding will bring new challenges or make others envious.
Never ( 1 point)
Rarely ( 2 points)
Sometimes (3 points)
Often (4 points)
Always (5 points)
7. Setting Low Goals:
I set goals that I know are well within my comfort zone rather than pushing myself.
Never ( 1 point)
Sometines (3 points)
Sometimes (3 points)
Often (4 points)
Always (5 points)
8. Overthinking:
I often dwell on things that could go wrong, rather than focusing on potential successes.
Never ( 1 point)
Rarely ( 2 points)
Sometimes (3 points
Often (4 points)
Always (5 points)
9. Blaming External Factors:
When something goes wrong, I tend to blame external factors rather than considering my role in the outcome.
Never ( 1 point)
Rarely ( 2 points)
Sometimes (3 points)
Often (4 points)
Always (5 points)
10. Isolation:
When faced with challenges, I tend to isolate myself from others rather than seeking support.
Never ( 1 point)
Rarely ( 2 points)
Sometimes (3 points)
Often (4 points))
Always (5 points)
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